Monday 13 April
Day 28
Italy recorded lowest death rates for three weeks.
China recorded 108 new cases - highest in five weeks.
Luca ate the apostles on the simnel cake lol.
Craig died. Too close now. Much too close. Lovely, lovely man.
Death toll 717 in UK.
Tuesday 14 April
Day 29
Charities say that older people are being 'airbrushed' out of covid figures and there are many more deaths in care homes than reported. Still only very limited testing despite government assurances.
US now the epicentre of the pandemic. Trump lashed out at the media who had criticised his lack of strategy and said he had 'total power' to lift lockdown restrictions.
Some restrictions being lifted in Spain (construction and industry) and Italy (some shops) for people to go back to work to help the economy.
Carol's slipper socks finally arrived - taken two weeks! She said she had been looking at some but couldn't remember ordering any - so that was that mystery solved lol. V funny.
Good feedback for the hearts. Post from Ema..
UK economy forecast is to shrink by 35% by June before hopefully bouncing back.
India extended lockdown to 3 May. France to 11 May.
Death toll 778 in UK.
Wednesday 15 April
Day 30
761 deaths in UK today.
Callum and Chanell took our old bikes so they could get out and exercise a bit.
Luca had a busy day.
Bought a new kettle.
Painted shelves blue.
More attention being paid to care homes and PPE for carers.
Trump stopped WHO funding.
Thursday 16 April
Day 31
Figures say that 91% of people dying of cv had at least one underlying health condition - mostly heart related.
Care sector PPE distribution has been 'shambolic' according to a leaked document.
99 year old Captain Tom finished the 100 laps of his garden and raised over £13m to date - bit more than his original £1,000 target!
Lockdown extended until 7 May.
Ema's masks and hats arrived from Siobhan.
Fourth clap for keyworkers.
Friday 17 April
Day 32
Manchester Nightingale hospital opened today.
Collected my material etc sent by Siobhan.
Ema said they had closed three covid wards. Numbers were dropping but they are prepared for another surge.
Cream hair appointment today - not!
847 deaths today.
Luca loves music and a cuppa!
Saturday 18 April
Day 33
Making cakes etc for afternoon tea for the grand opening of our dining room with new chair covers. We all need some silly 'cheer up' even though we have to do it separately.
Delivered to Ema and Luisa.
Had the grand opening for the dining room seat covers. Cut the ribbon and had our afternoon tea.
Government accepts at last that PPE is in short supply in some areas and will try to get more supplies out. Sourcing internationally.
Ema happy as she had purple scrubs - matching for once!
888 deaths, 15464 total.
Family quiz. Joined by Katy and James and Amelia this week. Robin was sporting a new hairstyle.
Captain Tom now at £25m!
Lovely presents from Luisa! Flour like gold dust atm!
Sunday 19 April
Day 34
Demonstrations in US against the lockdown.
First time since Feb 18 that South Korea has recorded deaths in single figures.
Fears in the UK that care homes have vastly underestimated their death numbers.
Georgia USA celebrating orthodox Easter - with communion from a shared spoon!
Lola's new hair colour. Lovely!
Deaths 449 but probably not a true reflection as over the weekend and care homes not included.
Monday 20 April
Day 35
Deaths below 400 in Spain. Nearly 21,000 have died. Only US and Italy have more deaths. About 16,500 in the UK atm.
Still warm and sunny.
Made lots more hearts.
At least 16 people shot dead by a gunman in rural Canada.
Furlough monies went live today. 37,000 applications in the first half hour.
Did our usual walk but in the other direction for a change!
Government under a lot of pressure about lack of PPE.
CV cases rose again in Japan after they relaxed measures there.
Took a lot of hearts round to Ema. They have been able to close some of their cv wards at her hospital as they've not had the expected rush - which is good news. Generally the numbers of cases are up in the north west. But they are still using the hearts which are proving to be very popular.
Captain Tom has now raised £27m for the NHS.
Tuesday 21 April
Day 36
It seemed that the PPE the government said would arrive last Sunday wasn't even asked about until then! Not sure what to believe in the media now!
Highest level of deaths in the UK for 20 years compared to the norm.
823 deaths in UK.
Reported care home deaths have quadrupled in a week. A quarter of all covid deaths are linked to care homes.
All plants repotted and canes etc painted blue and at last we have the new tile house number - that was bought in Granada - on the wall!
Wednesday 22 April
Day 37
Some interesting statistics:
Those countries who tested early eg Korea and Germany had fewer deaths than those countries eg Italy and UK who tested late.
Number of deaths in USA up to 20 April were about 40,000. Total deaths in UK, Italy, France, Spain and Germany - similar total population to the USA - 80,000.
Statistics will always be skewed if studies don't use the same parameters.
Luca loved his painted toenails.
Huge uproar as offers of help from many UK firms were not acknowledged or taken up.
Went for a walk and the chippy was open so we amended our route to walk back past it. So fish and chips for lunch!
Sorted the rest of the pots in the yard.
759 deaths in UK.
Starlink satellite launch from Cape Canaveral. Watched that then managed to miss them overhead as the times on the website were wrong!
Thursday 23 April
Day 38
St George's day.
First human trials in Europe of a possible vaccine to get under way in Oxford and 20,000 homes asked to take part in a survey to see how cv spreads.
616 deaths.
Had a video chat with Luca until he abruptly said goodbye and ended the call. Turns out he had work to do lol.
Still making hearts.
Luca made his dinosaur buns.
CV testing is to be made a priority for care homes - staff and residents.
Clapped on the street for key workers for the fifth time and frightened a dog with the bells - it had to be carried lol.
Friday 24 April
Day 39
Start of Ramadan.
Trump suggested that disinfectant injections might cure cv. Lambasted by the medical community!
Also said uv light inside bodies might be a cure. WHO says light has no effect.
Millions of key workers and their families can be tested for cv if they are showing symptoms. They can be booked online.
£27m raised from Big Night In - Comic Relief and Children in Need together.
More hearts.
Sweden has had no lockdown and now deaths are rising. But other countries are able to benchmark against their figures.
South Korea had no deaths yesterday and they have not been under lockdown. But they had testing and contact tracing within weeks.
A heart for every cv patient discharged from DRI.
Differing maternity services round the country mean that expectant mums don't know what to expect!
768 deaths.
Captain Tom has now raised nearly £30m and has the number one single - You'll never walk alone.
Luca can now say 'what is it?' and 'mummy'.
Lovely quilt arrived from Siobhan. And also fabric for hearts from Sue. Both very exciting!!
Saturday 25 April
Day 40
A and E departments say numbers have dropped by about 50%.
After much ridicule and condemnation Trump now says he was taken out of context and was being sarcastic with his disinfectant comments yesterday. 20 minute press conference with no questions!
813 deaths - total of over 20,000 in the UK now.
Luca still enjoying his lockdown.
Lockdown will not end until the five criteria are met.
Saturday evening quiz with the family. Carol was dressed and up - looking much better.
Robin has spent the week digging Matt's allotment for him as he's in poor health and wouldn't be able to manage it. Much appreciated by Matt who can now sow all his seeds and do his planting.
Sunday 26 April
Day 41
Long walk - longer than intended as a 'short cut' when nearly home took us back past the bird hospital and over some stiles which Mike struggled with (and fell off one of them 🤣).
413 deaths in last 24 hours. Government says that social distancing is working and death rates may be lower because of the weekend when collation is more difficult. These figures still do not include care home numbers.
No change in easing of lockdown rules yet. To be reviewed on 7 May.
Luisa ordered Sunday dinner in from the Swan and Cemetery pub.
Molly made posh nosh in Rammy with chocolate drizzled (?!*) fruit.
We had pork steak which Mike had cooked with apples, sweet potato, potatoes and cider. Very nice!
Virtual tours from exhibitors at the Chelsea Flower Show.
Lockdown in India eased slightly to allow shops to open.
No press conference in US as Trump said it wasn't worth it with the lying reporters who twisted all his words. 🤣
Monday 27 April
Day 42
PM returned to work. He called covid an 'invisible mugger' and said we were at 'maximum risk' atm.
360 deaths.
Some businesses starting to reopen but on a smaller scale.
£60,000 payout to NHS and all careworkers who have died from cv.
Priti Patel said that shop lifting figures were much lower this year than last. Really?!..
Weather still warm and sunny.
Luisa left her phone in Wilko's and they rang me to let her know.
Tuesday 28 April
Day 43
Craig's funeral today. 12 30pm. No coffin, no hearse, only 5 mourners. Hopefully we can celebrate his life at a later date.
One minute's silence at 11am.
Over 300 pairs of hearts now done for Ema to take to Ashton hospital.
Beaches opened in Sydney, Australia and 12 new CV cases were recorded. Bondi beach reopened for surfing but not sun bathing but with social distancing.
Video chat with Luca.
NZ started to ease restrictions. Their contact tracing has enabled them open schools etc with just 19 deaths through the whole pandemic.
Trump 'couldn't imagine' why calls to emergency services spiked after his remarks about disinfectant.
UK on course to have the most deaths in Europe.
586 deaths, 21678 total.
27241 total including care home deaths.
From tomorrow care home deaths are to be included in the official figures. About a quarter of all covid deaths have been in care homes.
Wednesday 29 April
Day 44
First day of colder weather for weeks! Hopefully it might keep some of the walkers in.
US has now had more deaths from Covid 19 than from the Vietnam war.
Baby Boris born. Wilfred.
765 deaths.
Luisa made 'Monday Club' meal ready to deliver tomorrow and was then cross with herself as she thought she'd missed the Thursday evening clap for keyworkers. Then realised that she was a day out.. 🤣
Thursday 30 April
Day 45
Happy 100th birthday Captain Tom.
Over £30m now raised for the NHS.
Deadline of 100,000 tests today. Demand has increased since criteria for the tests has widened.
UK now has third highest death rate in the world.
Boris says we are now past the peak.
674 deaths.
Globally cv has killed over 3% compared to under 1% of flu victims.
Day 28
Italy recorded lowest death rates for three weeks.
China recorded 108 new cases - highest in five weeks.
Luca ate the apostles on the simnel cake lol.
Craig died. Too close now. Much too close. Lovely, lovely man.
Death toll 717 in UK.
Ema gave out the first of the hearts to the stroke unit and general medical wards.
Day 29
Charities say that older people are being 'airbrushed' out of covid figures and there are many more deaths in care homes than reported. Still only very limited testing despite government assurances.
US now the epicentre of the pandemic. Trump lashed out at the media who had criticised his lack of strategy and said he had 'total power' to lift lockdown restrictions.
Some restrictions being lifted in Spain (construction and industry) and Italy (some shops) for people to go back to work to help the economy.
Carol's slipper socks finally arrived - taken two weeks! She said she had been looking at some but couldn't remember ordering any - so that was that mystery solved lol. V funny.
Good feedback for the hearts. Post from Ema..
UK economy forecast is to shrink by 35% by June before hopefully bouncing back.
India extended lockdown to 3 May. France to 11 May.
Death toll 778 in UK.
Wednesday 15 April
Day 30
761 deaths in UK today.
Callum and Chanell took our old bikes so they could get out and exercise a bit.
Luca had a busy day.
Bought a new kettle.
Painted shelves blue.
More attention being paid to care homes and PPE for carers.
Trump stopped WHO funding.
Thursday 16 April
Day 31
Figures say that 91% of people dying of cv had at least one underlying health condition - mostly heart related.
Care sector PPE distribution has been 'shambolic' according to a leaked document.
99 year old Captain Tom finished the 100 laps of his garden and raised over £13m to date - bit more than his original £1,000 target!
Trump says the USA is past the cv peak and he is looking at opening some states in the near future. State Governors say that they will make that decision, not him
EU apologized to Italy for slow response at the start of the pandemic.
551 deaths in Spain.
Finished dining chairs. Hurrah!
15,000 new ventilators adapted for use in the UK by car manufacturers.
Cases starting to build up in China again - some domestic but some from Chinese returning home from other countries.
861 deaths in UK, 13739 total. But numbers of cases in hospital are reducing. Hospital admissions and attendance down 50%.
Lockdown extended until 7 May.
Ema's masks and hats arrived from Siobhan.
Fourth clap for keyworkers.
Friday 17 April
Day 32
Manchester Nightingale hospital opened today.
Collected my material etc sent by Siobhan.
Ema said they had closed three covid wards. Numbers were dropping but they are prepared for another surge.
Cream hair appointment today - not!
847 deaths today.
Luca loves music and a cuppa!
Saturday 18 April
Day 33
Making cakes etc for afternoon tea for the grand opening of our dining room with new chair covers. We all need some silly 'cheer up' even though we have to do it separately.
Delivered to Ema and Luisa.
Had the grand opening for the dining room seat covers. Cut the ribbon and had our afternoon tea.
Government accepts at last that PPE is in short supply in some areas and will try to get more supplies out. Sourcing internationally.
Ema happy as she had purple scrubs - matching for once!
888 deaths, 15464 total.
Family quiz. Joined by Katy and James and Amelia this week. Robin was sporting a new hairstyle.
Captain Tom now at £25m!
Lovely presents from Luisa! Flour like gold dust atm!
Sunday 19 April
Day 34
Demonstrations in US against the lockdown.
First time since Feb 18 that South Korea has recorded deaths in single figures.
Fears in the UK that care homes have vastly underestimated their death numbers.
Georgia USA celebrating orthodox Easter - with communion from a shared spoon!
Lola's new hair colour. Lovely!
Deaths 449 but probably not a true reflection as over the weekend and care homes not included.
Monday 20 April
Day 35
Deaths below 400 in Spain. Nearly 21,000 have died. Only US and Italy have more deaths. About 16,500 in the UK atm.
Still warm and sunny.
Made lots more hearts.
At least 16 people shot dead by a gunman in rural Canada.
Furlough monies went live today. 37,000 applications in the first half hour.
Did our usual walk but in the other direction for a change!
Government under a lot of pressure about lack of PPE.
CV cases rose again in Japan after they relaxed measures there.
Took a lot of hearts round to Ema. They have been able to close some of their cv wards at her hospital as they've not had the expected rush - which is good news. Generally the numbers of cases are up in the north west. But they are still using the hearts which are proving to be very popular.
Captain Tom has now raised £27m for the NHS.
Tuesday 21 April
Day 36
It seemed that the PPE the government said would arrive last Sunday wasn't even asked about until then! Not sure what to believe in the media now!
Highest level of deaths in the UK for 20 years compared to the norm.
823 deaths in UK.
Reported care home deaths have quadrupled in a week. A quarter of all covid deaths are linked to care homes.
All plants repotted and canes etc painted blue and at last we have the new tile house number - that was bought in Granada - on the wall!
Wednesday 22 April
Day 37
Some interesting statistics:
Those countries who tested early eg Korea and Germany had fewer deaths than those countries eg Italy and UK who tested late.
Number of deaths in USA up to 20 April were about 40,000. Total deaths in UK, Italy, France, Spain and Germany - similar total population to the USA - 80,000.
Statistics will always be skewed if studies don't use the same parameters.
Luca loved his painted toenails.
Huge uproar as offers of help from many UK firms were not acknowledged or taken up.
Went for a walk and the chippy was open so we amended our route to walk back past it. So fish and chips for lunch!
Sorted the rest of the pots in the yard.
759 deaths in UK.
Starlink satellite launch from Cape Canaveral. Watched that then managed to miss them overhead as the times on the website were wrong!
Thursday 23 April
Day 38
St George's day.
First human trials in Europe of a possible vaccine to get under way in Oxford and 20,000 homes asked to take part in a survey to see how cv spreads.
616 deaths.
Had a video chat with Luca until he abruptly said goodbye and ended the call. Turns out he had work to do lol.
Still making hearts.
Luca made his dinosaur buns.
CV testing is to be made a priority for care homes - staff and residents.
Clapped on the street for key workers for the fifth time and frightened a dog with the bells - it had to be carried lol.
Friday 24 April
Day 39
Start of Ramadan.
Trump suggested that disinfectant injections might cure cv. Lambasted by the medical community!
Also said uv light inside bodies might be a cure. WHO says light has no effect.
Millions of key workers and their families can be tested for cv if they are showing symptoms. They can be booked online.
£27m raised from Big Night In - Comic Relief and Children in Need together.
More hearts.
Sweden has had no lockdown and now deaths are rising. But other countries are able to benchmark against their figures.
South Korea had no deaths yesterday and they have not been under lockdown. But they had testing and contact tracing within weeks.
A heart for every cv patient discharged from DRI.
Differing maternity services round the country mean that expectant mums don't know what to expect!
768 deaths.
Captain Tom has now raised nearly £30m and has the number one single - You'll never walk alone.
Luca can now say 'what is it?' and 'mummy'.
Lovely quilt arrived from Siobhan. And also fabric for hearts from Sue. Both very exciting!!
Saturday 25 April
Day 40
A and E departments say numbers have dropped by about 50%.
After much ridicule and condemnation Trump now says he was taken out of context and was being sarcastic with his disinfectant comments yesterday. 20 minute press conference with no questions!
813 deaths - total of over 20,000 in the UK now.
Luca still enjoying his lockdown.
Lots of hearts done for Ema, walked to Rammy down and up the Rake, to deliver them. Had a good chat shouting across the road at everyone!
Robin has spent the week digging Matt's allotment for him as he's in poor health and wouldn't be able to manage it. Much appreciated by Matt who can now sow all his seeds and do his planting.
Sunday 26 April
Day 41
Long walk - longer than intended as a 'short cut' when nearly home took us back past the bird hospital and over some stiles which Mike struggled with (and fell off one of them 🤣).
413 deaths in last 24 hours. Government says that social distancing is working and death rates may be lower because of the weekend when collation is more difficult. These figures still do not include care home numbers.
No change in easing of lockdown rules yet. To be reviewed on 7 May.
Luisa ordered Sunday dinner in from the Swan and Cemetery pub.
Molly made posh nosh in Rammy with chocolate drizzled (?!*) fruit.
We had pork steak which Mike had cooked with apples, sweet potato, potatoes and cider. Very nice!
Virtual tours from exhibitors at the Chelsea Flower Show.
Lockdown in India eased slightly to allow shops to open.
No press conference in US as Trump said it wasn't worth it with the lying reporters who twisted all his words. 🤣
Monday 27 April
Day 42
PM returned to work. He called covid an 'invisible mugger' and said we were at 'maximum risk' atm.
360 deaths.
Some businesses starting to reopen but on a smaller scale.
£60,000 payout to NHS and all careworkers who have died from cv.
Priti Patel said that shop lifting figures were much lower this year than last. Really?!..
Weather still warm and sunny.
Luisa left her phone in Wilko's and they rang me to let her know.
Tuesday 28 April
Day 43
Craig's funeral today. 12 30pm. No coffin, no hearse, only 5 mourners. Hopefully we can celebrate his life at a later date.
One minute's silence at 11am.
Over 300 pairs of hearts now done for Ema to take to Ashton hospital.
Beaches opened in Sydney, Australia and 12 new CV cases were recorded. Bondi beach reopened for surfing but not sun bathing but with social distancing.
Video chat with Luca.
NZ started to ease restrictions. Their contact tracing has enabled them open schools etc with just 19 deaths through the whole pandemic.
Trump 'couldn't imagine' why calls to emergency services spiked after his remarks about disinfectant.
UK on course to have the most deaths in Europe.
586 deaths, 21678 total.
27241 total including care home deaths.
From tomorrow care home deaths are to be included in the official figures. About a quarter of all covid deaths have been in care homes.
Wednesday 29 April
Day 44
First day of colder weather for weeks! Hopefully it might keep some of the walkers in.
US has now had more deaths from Covid 19 than from the Vietnam war.
Baby Boris born. Wilfred.
765 deaths.
Luisa made 'Monday Club' meal ready to deliver tomorrow and was then cross with herself as she thought she'd missed the Thursday evening clap for keyworkers. Then realised that she was a day out.. 🤣
Thursday 30 April
Day 45
Happy 100th birthday Captain Tom.
Over £30m now raised for the NHS.
Hurricane and Spitfire fly past for him. And 125,000 cards received for him!
Deadline of 100,000 tests today. Demand has increased since criteria for the tests has widened.
UK now has third highest death rate in the world.
Boris says we are now past the peak.
674 deaths.
Globally cv has killed over 3% compared to under 1% of flu victims.
R numbers need to remain at under 1.
More vehicles now on the roads. It may be down to people feeling safer in their own vehicle rather than public transport but there must be some driving on non essential journeys.
Oasis and Warehouse have folded.
Tom Peers from the Wirral was 107 years old today. He lived through the Spanish flu pandemic.
Clapped for keyworkers (well rang our bells) for the sixth week.
Friday 1 May
Day 46
Baking day so Luisa can take hotpot and cake tomorrow to the elderly who usually come to the 'drop-in' on the first Saturday of each month for a meal and a chat.
More of a drop off this time!
Enquires being made to see if the cv virus was due to infected animals or due to a mistake in a lab in Wuhan.
More job losses on airlines.
All Ema's team tested negative for covid. Yay!
739 deaths.
Baked for Luisa's 'drop off' tomorrow.
Saturday 2 May
Day 47
Luisa came round to pick up cakes for our old school regulars. She made hotpot and said everyone was very appreciative.
Card from Luca and hotpot for Mike and I - part of the staff! 🤣
Put some pink streaks in my hair.
Tonight should have been our charity night for St Giles so Mike and I decided to wear our costumes anyway for our family quiz.
621 deaths - care homes etc now included in the totals.
Put some pics on the Bin Outing Isolation group site where people dress up to put the bins out. Some very funny pics and videos on there - mostly Australian as that is where the group originated.
First day that Spaniards were allowed out after 48 days. Restrictions still in place though.
Isabel didn't go out at first - she has a roof terrace so has access to fresh air and a place to walk. Ana went out and ricked her ankle as it was so long since she'd been able to stride out properly!
Luisa's new hair style 🤣
Sunday 3 May
Day 48
Back to making more hearts with fabric donated after my request on a couple of the local groups on fb.
Luca still enjoying his lockdown.
Tracker app being developed for tracing the spread of covid. To be tested by council workers on the Isle of Wight.
315 deaths. 28,446 total.
Belarus said that cv could be prevented with vodka and saunas. No lockdown.
Monday 4 May
Day 49
Reduced hot desking, limited tool sharing and staggered shift times are being suggested as a cautious approach to easing lockdown when businesses are able to start up again.
Online summit to discuss developing a vaccine. Looking for global cooperation.
Italy relaxed lockdown laws as the number of deaths decreased. There has been lots of crime with mafia groups exploiting the poor by providing them with food to gain control over them.
The north west had now overtaken London as the covid hot spot. Salford is the worst hit area. A Bury doctor has died.
288 deaths. Lowest for the month.
Lovely walk across the fields.
Nightingale hospital in London was mothballed. Manchester still open .
Cuenca the same as Madrid and all Spain. Martha and Maria Isabel taking things slowly.
Tuesday 5 May
Day 50
French school reopened. They have been in lockdown since 17 March. Said that social distancing would not be possible/feasible in primary schools.
UK asked for funerals to be started again.
Globally cv deaths exceeded 250,000.
Tried some of the newly made rhubarb jam with fresh cream on scones - for breakfast!
Posted on fb by a friend in the US.
Contact app trial started on the Isle of Wight.
Wednesday 6 May
Day 51
So little pollution in Delhi atm that they can see the Himalayas.
Another UK milestone with over 30,000 deaths.
Took 'Monday Club' meal round to Luisa and Ema. Luisa thought it was nice to have a Monday club meal actually on a Monday. Then thought oh no, it's Tuesday. Then finally realised it was actually Wednesday!!.. 😂
Gradual easing of lockdown expected to be announced at the weekend.
Luisa had her second scan. All ok.
Boris agreed that the response to care homes had been too slow.
Looked for the starlink satellites going across but failed to see them - again!
Thursday 7 May
Day 52
By law lockdown rules have to be reviewed every 21 days.
Government meeting today to discuss easing some restrictions.
Put our bunting up for VE day tomorrow.
Interesting statistics between different ethnicities dying from covid.
Took Mike's car for a short drive (3 miles) to B & Q for gardening stuff. Huge queues so we didn't stop. Mike suggested Wilko's as it was on the way home. Big queues so didn't stop. Went to B & M near us. Manageable queues!
Newspapers already making wild claims about lockdown relaxation measures to be released by Boris on Sunday.
Made heart VE day bunting for Ema for the hospital.
Week 7 of clapping for keyworkers. Most of neighbours out this week - even the elderly gentleman over the road who walks with a frame. Lovely to see.
Forecast is for the biggest recession for three hundred years. Silver lining might be that next year we come out of it very quickly. Economy down by -14% but is forecast to recover to +15% next year.
A lot of the much heralded and long awaited cargo of PPE from Turkey was not fit for purpose and failed safety tests.
Transmission rates being pushed up by care home numbers.
Deaths 539.
Went out to look for the starlink satellites again but was a bit late and didn't see them - again!
Martha and Piero out in the streets in Cuenca.
Friday 8 May
Day 53
VE day. 75 years. 8 May 1945.
All gatherings cancelled of course but lots of socially distanced street parties and celebrations.
Two minutes' silence at 11am.
Popcorn for breakfast when Callum leaves it in Luca's reach!

Afternoon VE day tea.
Painted shelves for the garden, chatted with the neighbours and made bramble jelly from last year's blackberries.
Queen gave another speech - second in five weeks. 'Never give up, never despair'.
626 deaths. UK total now 31,241.
Small firms allowed to trade in Spain and more exercise encouraged as they slowly come out of lockdown.
Modest changes from Wales on lockdown rules. UK garden centres may be allowed to open from next week.
Probable 14 day quarantine for all arrivals by plane.
Saturday 9 May
Day 54
14 day quarantine for travellers coming to the UK.
Lovely walk - we've probably done this route 20 times during lockdown lol.
Nice chat with Luisa when she came to pick up the quiz sheets for tonight.
Chat with Luisa and Ema on messenger then a practice on zoom for the quiz later.
TV reports said that lots of people were out and about despite lockdown rules not changing.
Quiz courtesy of Cathryn - joined by Thomas and Christie this week.
Finished painting the shelves and Mike put them on the wall along with the tree of life solar light that Carol bought me for Christmas. Painted two planters and sorted plants out - even remembered the tomato plant! All looking neat and tidy.
First time out for Maria Isabel and Martha - and Piero.
346 deaths.
Day 55
Change in the weather. Much chillier. Walked to Ema's to deliver more hearts - not a pleasant walk with wind and drizzle!
Would have been Craig's 51st birthday today. Thinking of him and his family and friends 💔
Nail art in Rammy.
Strap line changed from Stay at home to Stay alert. Rest of the UK staying with Stay at home! Seems like more traffic and people out and about.
Big announcement from Boris about changes to lockdown.
Lot of bluster about this 'devilish illness' but nothing really said. Lots of conjecture about what is/has been said but Boris said nothing other than a series of 'ifs'. More details expected tomorrow.
Return to work advised but not by public transport if possible, can exercise more from Wednesday, some children may return to school in three weeks. All very woolly and not clear cut.
269 deaths.
Number of deaths in Germany started to rise again after they eased lockdown.
100 days since the first case if cv was recorded in UK.
31 January we left the EU and the first cases of cv were reported in China.
Monday 11 May
Day 56
Lot of confusion over Boris's statements not cleared up by further info. And not helped by conflicting info from Wales and Scotland.
Incoming flights will need to self isolate for two weeks.
Chilly walk but the sun came out a bit. Lovely and green around Island Lodge.
People going back to work. Still using public transport. Lot of confusion as to what they should be doing.
Boris had to qualify his 'stay alert' message to say that it meant 'stay home' for the majority of people 🤣
Zoom chat with the schoolies. Nice to see Bridget.
PM says we have moved from 4 to nearly 3.
210 deaths. 32065 total.
Tuesday 12 May
Day 57
Furlough scheme extended until October for 7.5m workers. Employers will be expected to share the cost.
Found Luca's little toy under the settee.
Care homes make up 40% of all deaths in England and Wales - some care homes are already near to closing. No further support offered from the government.
Housing market reopens tomorrow. You can't visit two parents at the same time but you can look round a stranger's house!!
Workers back where possible from tomorrow - though Boris said Monday when he spoke on Sunday! No increase in transport services though so there may be overcrowding. Guidelines suggest risk assessment should be made.
Precautions impossible at some places - or will take weeks to implement.
Holidays abroad are unlikely to be possible this summer. Fourteen day quarantine introduced in Spain for visitors.
Small outbreak again in Wuhan - 6 - has resulted in tests for everyone in Wuhan.
Phillipines encouraging soldiers to shoot those not following cv lockdown rules.
627 deaths.
Evening walk. Beautiful light.
200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale.
Nicely sums up government attitude!
200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale.
Nicely sums up government attitude!
North West still has the highest number of cv patients and have told the government it may be too early to ease lockdown here.