Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Nov 20: Coronavirus 13 Nov - 12 Dec

Friday 13 November 

Day 242

Starting to smile.. 😍

Children in need.

Walk up Holcombe Hill.

First Lee Cain and then Cummings resigned - orchestrated by Carrie Symonds (Princess Nut Nuts!!)? Who is running the country??!

Saturday 14 November

Day 243

462 deaths. 51,766 total.

Quiz night - our turn to set questions. Given up on themes after so long!

Sunday 15 November

Day 244

It was advised that the new vaccine won't start to make a difference until next year and it will be summer (others say next winter) before things start getting back to normal as long as the take up is high.

168 deaths and 51,934 total.

Trump acknowledged that Biden had won - because the election was rigged πŸ™„ He then backtracked saying it was Fake News!

Monday 16 November

Day 245

Boris self isolating after contact with an MP with cv.

Another 95% effective vaccine announced by US firm Moderna. 

Care homes should be able to allow visits by Christmas - pilot tests now being carried out.

Tuesday 17 November

Day 246

Carol in hospice to get her pain under control.

France was first European country to register over 2m cases of covid.

Wednesday 18 November

Day 247

Pfizer vaccine is better than thought and v effective in older people. Needs to go through regulatory process now.

Christmas with covid - government is planning to lift restrictions atm.

6 day short, sharp and very strict circuit breaker in south Australia to quell small cv cluster outbreak.

Thursday 19 November

Day 248

High hopes for Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine - cheaper and easier to store than others - and good results for over 60s and 70s with few side effects.

591 deaths. 53,675 total.

Someone dies in Europe from cv every 17 seconds.

Friday 20 November

Day 249

Perhaps levelling off? - though not into the winter months yet.

Saturday 21 November

Day 250

Weighing Nico 😁 

Family quiz. No Carol. No Ema et al - decorating.

We won!

341 deaths. 54,626 total.

Sunday 22 November

Day 251

Early morning walk up to Peel Tower.

Government getting ready to announce that families can meet up over Christmas. But after 2 December new tougher tier will be put in place.

Made Rudolph for the window.

Monday 23 November

Day 252

Breakthrough with the Oxford uni covid vaccine.

Plans for a return to the tier system with new measures to be put into place released today.  Working with devolved nations to allow a Christmas. Mass testing tba in tier 3.

Luca round for the day while Nico had his jabs.

Tuesday 24 November

Day 253

All four nations to unite on relaxing restrictions between 23 - 27 December.

608 deaths. 55,838 total.

No admission of election loss from Trump but he said that procedures for presidential transition could be put in place πŸ™„

Wednesday 25 November

Day 254

Luca decided to call me Wendy after hearing Mike say it - very funny! 🀣

696 deaths. Highest number since 5 May. 56,533 total. 

Thursday 26 November

Day 255

Back into tier 3 next week then πŸ™„

Interesting facts 😁

Beautiful boy who nearly slept through!

Luca helping his Yaya make morteruelo - not sure why the tea towel is needed 😁

Pixelwave won Best in Class Creative at the Made in Bury Business Awards. They dressed in style for the results 😁 Well done JP and team.

Friday 27 November

Day 256

Arcadia (Topshop, DP etc) on brink of collapse.

Went onto Bury market - deserted, as was the centre. 

Lots of controversy over the new tiers for next week.

521 deaths. 57,551 total.

Saturday 28 November

Day 257

Already talking about altering tiers after two weeks - even though they haven't started yet!!

Family quiz - we won. No Ema as she was working.

Christmas shopping finished before the mayhem of the shops reopening next week.

Sunday 29 November

Day 258

Luca round for a sleepover.

Monday 30 November

Day 259

Arcadia went under.

Cv rates down over 50% in NW. 

208 deaths.  58,448 total. 

Tuesday 1 December

Day 260

Debenhams set to close with 12,000 job losses.

603 deaths. 59,051 total.

Care homes to receive rapid testing kits so that they can receive visitors.

Day 1 of elf on the shelf for Luca. He'd already had the elf confiscated for hitting Yaya with it and it went back up on the shelf after Luca threw a satsuma at Yaya πŸ™„ It could be a long month.. 🀣

But Nico liked his bear 😁

Gorgeous Lola πŸ’•πŸ₯°πŸ’•

Wednesday 2 December

Day 261

Out of lockdown and back into tier 3. All shops open and lots of crowds but hospitality industry largely still closed.

Bon MarchΓ© the latest company to go into administration.

Elf delivered a sheep, two (chocolate) brussel sprouts and a Christmas outfit for Nico.

... and a unicorn egg cup and jokes to Lola.

Great fun for me as I can't remember what's in the calendars 😁

Luca's outfit of choice for the drop-in Christmas card 🀣

Uk became the first country to approve the Pfizer vaccine. Care homes, over 80s and NHS will be first in the queue.

648 deaths. 59,699 total 

Thursday 3 December

Day 262

Socks for Lola from the gagsvent calendar. Socks for Luca too.

Carol not home today now. Still in a lot of pain at night.

UK cv death rates now over 60,000.

Trump still claiming election fraud and that he won.

Luca baked biscuits for the drop-in on Saturday.

Friday 4 December

Day 263

Saturday 5 December

Day 264

Luca delivered the hot pots, cakes and biscuits.

Family quiz.

Sunday 6 December

Day 265

Over to Retford to visit Carol - then quick chat with Julie and Cathryn.

Monday 7 December

Day 266

Looking at the moon with grandad.

Christmas at the garden centre.

Brexit terms still being argued over.

Tuesday 8 December

Day 267

V day!  First cv vaccine administered here in UK.

Alan's dad died.  Carol home from hospice.

616 uk deaths. 62,033 total.

Nico in his gagsvent socks bought by the elf.

Wednesday 9 December

Day 268

Cases of cv increasing in London and Essex.

Thursday 10 December

Day 269

Wales to close schools early from next week.

Boris said no trade deal was looking more likely.

516 deaths.  63,082 total.

Luca 'aking some 'akes 🀣

Friday 11 December

Day 270

Andy Burnham argued the case for Gtr Mcr to be moved to tier 2 next week. Not sure of criteria to know if cases have dropped enough but Bury still has highest rate of cases atm.

Saturday 12 December

Day 271

Looks like Bury won't be out of lockdown any time soon πŸ™„

Family quiz. We won!