We got up at 4.30am to see the morning ceremonies and the sunrise over the Ganges. We travelled more sedately in small cars this time. It was all very busy, very colourful and dusty and very beautiful.
We then had breakfast and went back to pack to start the drive to further down the river so we could get onto our boats for our journey down the Ganges.
(pic: Noel, Debbie, Andy, Naomi, Lorraine) (pic: Robert, Anne, Rupert, Kirsty and me)
The boats were quite small and we settled down with Lorraine and Noel to watch the scenery float by.
So we had three boats for our group with four on each with two boys rowing - and another boat for the kitchen!
Very beautiful and very relaxing and good fun when we stopped for lunch as we ate it on the boats just passing things from one boat to another.
Lorraine lounged at the head of the boat like a stately Queen of the Nile (well Ganges...) - I half expected someone to start feeding her grapes!...
We stopped on the bank of the river at about 5pm to set up camp. Well - we went for a walk while the boys from the boats (two on each and very fit to row for several hours at a time!) set up camp for us and went to prepare our evening meal.
It got dark really quickly as usual so we ate in the dark with no lights so that we didn't attract the bugs (oh the bugs - you would have them all for pets here Molly - lots of big and unusual ones!) - so we weren't sure what we were eating but it was good!
The boys spelled out 'Happy Diwali' in flowers and candles on the sand - it was quite beautiful!
The boys then let off fireworks and really enjoyed themselves which was nice to see.
Then we went to bed - nothing else to do!
In very basic two man tents with a toilet tent somewhere behind us.
We could still hear the Divali celebrations from somewhere over the river and fireworks were being let off until late into the night.
Then the other noises started - the jackals and the dogs...
Monday 4 November
We were woken with a cup of chai at first light then we had breakfast and checked out of our tents!!
I think we all agreed that one night of camping was enough!
So back to the boats as the sun rose for a short trip down the river to board a local bus for the next stage of our journey.
As we left the boats we turned for a last look at the river and saw a dolphin jump out of the water - as we had seen our first dolphin in Varanasi at the beginning of our journey on the Ganges it seemed quite fitting to see another one at the end!
We amused ourselves by watching the other trains come and go - and looking at the goats and cows wandering along the rails and the platform!
And to think that everything stops in Blighty for leaves on the line!!
So a long day but still interesting!
Great blog guys! - Rupert