... but without Mike this time - and with Beckie! To visit Beckie's sister Sam, her partner Liam and son Jude. Yay!

Beckie loves her flying and is happy in the window seat with her nose to the window! The only things she says are 'Did you know we're flying on a ..... which is a twin engined prop ..... black bits to de ice...'
All the ..... bits are where I nod politely and don't really listen. She loves to look out of the window and I like to read my book. Both happy!
We were met at the airport by Sam (Jude was at school) and off we went to their home in Kinsalebeg near Youghall in Waterford. And our adventures began...
We had some lovely walks by the sea - beautiful scenery....

They had a birthday party for Beckie with presents and a lovely cake!...

And they even had a little gift for me - a sort of un-birthday present! Very thoughtful and thank you for my pair of glitzy pears - they are very 'me' and will be featuring somewhere in my Christmas decs this year...

We watched a bit of telly later and Jude cuddled up to his dad...
When I looked out of the window the next morning I could just see the water in the distance. I decided to go for a walk to find it!...

Loads of lovely big blackberries but I didn't have time to pick any.
Jude had helped his mum to bring all these yummy things for Beckie and I to eat for breakfast - it was like being in a posh hotel!...
Then later Sam, Beckie and I went for a walk in the glorious sunshine while Jude went to school...
We followed the pilgrim trail along the cliffs...

And then we saw Samson towering out of the sea sitting on his rocks!...

We looked for seals...

We walked (and sat) some more...

And we took lots of selfies!...

The Round Tower...
Then home for a spot of lunch and a bit of fun with Jude!...

Jude showed us his Mrs Doyle walk - like she did after she had fallen off the roof...
Then Jude and Liam played a bit of football outside...

And we joined in to play a bit of swing ball - very badly!...

Then another little walk in the sunshine and a quick visit to Jude's grandparents Bridie and Ed...

The next day we had a trip into Cork - a lovely little city. We did a bit of culture - looking round all the exhibitions at the art gallery - and then did a bit of shopping.
We all loved the shop 'Tiger' which sold all sorts of bits and pieces that we really NEEDED!
We had a gorgeous lunch in the art gallery cafe - all beautifully presented. And we came home with lots of bags so we were all very happy!
We decided to have an early birthday tea for Liam - fish and chips! Delicious!
As you can see Beckie is very happy about it!... and Liam opened a bottle of fizz to celebrate...

We had bought him some pork chops with black and white pudding centres.
I took some of these home for Mike and I can tell you that they are DE-LIC-IOUS!
The chocolate sardines were for Sam.
And of course Liam had a cake - coffee this time!...
Jude bought him into the kitchen with a tea towel over his head so that he couldn't see anything...
And then he went to get a present for him which he'd hidden away in his room...

So another great evening - and another great party!
The next day we were due to fly home - and Beckie and I had a cunning plan...
We sneaked into Jude's bedroom to leave him a little surprise to find after he got back from taking us to the airport!..

We decided to go out for breakfast - to McDonald's! Very exciting! But a last play on the trampoline before we went...
Happy boy on his trampoline!...
And some more selfies!...

Then Beckie and Sam did a bit of singing in the kitchen and Jude and I went to have a last look at a few Minecraft characters and scenes...

Then it was off to McDonald's for breakfast...

Jude and I had fun on the swing and the slide - even though I was a bit over the age limit...

And the sisters took some selfies...

Then it was time to go to the airport and say our goodbyes...
So - back on the plane and home...
A lovely little holiday - and a big thank you to Sam, Liam and Jude for a wonderful time - it was SWAGALICIOUS!!
Hope to see you all soon xx
Oh - and here's a copy of your photo book so Beckie can see it...
Beckie loves her flying and is happy in the window seat with her nose to the window! The only things she says are 'Did you know we're flying on a ..... which is a twin engined prop ..... black bits to de ice...'
All the ..... bits are where I nod politely and don't really listen. She loves to look out of the window and I like to read my book. Both happy!
We were met at the airport by Sam (Jude was at school) and off we went to their home in Kinsalebeg near Youghall in Waterford. And our adventures began...
We had some lovely walks by the sea - beautiful scenery....
They had a birthday party for Beckie with presents and a lovely cake!...
We watched a bit of telly later and Jude cuddled up to his dad...
When I looked out of the window the next morning I could just see the water in the distance. I decided to go for a walk to find it!...
Loads of lovely big blackberries but I didn't have time to pick any.
Jude had helped his mum to bring all these yummy things for Beckie and I to eat for breakfast - it was like being in a posh hotel!...
Then later Sam, Beckie and I went for a walk in the glorious sunshine while Jude went to school...
We followed the pilgrim trail along the cliffs...
And then we saw Samson towering out of the sea sitting on his rocks!...
We looked for seals...
We walked (and sat) some more...
And we took lots of selfies!...
The Round Tower...
Then home for a spot of lunch and a bit of fun with Jude!...
Jude showed us his Mrs Doyle walk - like she did after she had fallen off the roof...
Then Jude and Liam played a bit of football outside...
And we joined in to play a bit of swing ball - very badly!...
We all loved the shop 'Tiger' which sold all sorts of bits and pieces that we really NEEDED!
We had a gorgeous lunch in the art gallery cafe - all beautifully presented. And we came home with lots of bags so we were all very happy!
We decided to have an early birthday tea for Liam - fish and chips! Delicious!
As you can see Beckie is very happy about it!... and Liam opened a bottle of fizz to celebrate...
We had bought him some pork chops with black and white pudding centres.
I took some of these home for Mike and I can tell you that they are DE-LIC-IOUS!
The chocolate sardines were for Sam.
And of course Liam had a cake - coffee this time!...
Jude bought him into the kitchen with a tea towel over his head so that he couldn't see anything...
And then he went to get a present for him which he'd hidden away in his room...
Lots of chocolate - which Jude said his dad should "share"! Then we all tucked into our delicious meal while Sam kissed her sardines!...
So another great evening - and another great party!
The next day we were due to fly home - and Beckie and I had a cunning plan...
We sneaked into Jude's bedroom to leave him a little surprise to find after he got back from taking us to the airport!..
Happy boy on his trampoline!...
And some more selfies!...
Then Beckie and Sam did a bit of singing in the kitchen and Jude and I went to have a last look at a few Minecraft characters and scenes...
I love that little pig!
We just had time for a few more pictures and a quick visit to the playground...
Jude and I had fun on the swing and the slide - even though I was a bit over the age limit...
And the sisters took some selfies...
Then it was time to go to the airport and say our goodbyes...
So - back on the plane and home...
A lovely little holiday - and a big thank you to Sam, Liam and Jude for a wonderful time - it was SWAGALICIOUS!!
Hope to see you all soon xx
Oh - and here's a copy of your photo book so Beckie can see it...
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