Saturday 10 August 2024

Aug 24: Scotland

 Sunday 11 August 

Up early ready for our journey - beautiful sun rise.

Stopped off at Luss - pretty little place on Loch Ness with Ben Lomond in the background. 


Staying on the banks of Loch Long for the night. 

Added bonus of lots of sea glass just outside our window!

View from our room - with sea glass.

Early night - both tired out.

Monday 12 August 

Huge rain storm with some thunder and lightning - scenery changed every few minutes. Very impressive. 

Had a drive around Lochgoilhead to Cairndow to find the Boat House cafe for breakfast. A Trip Advisor recommendation. 

Lovely outdoor area overlooking Loch Goil - hole in the middle of the roof where a tree was positioned so a bit damp with the rain coming through 😁

Beautiful views though.

Castle Carrick was a bit further down the road - belonged to the Campbell clan in the 14th century and now privately owned and being restored.

Shallow spreading root system on the pine trees mean they're easily blown over.

Back on the road towards Oban and a short walk to Kilchurn Castle between the hoards from the tour buses. The rain stopped and the skies started to clear.

Another castle in midst of restoration.

Remains of a wooden causeway built between the marshes up to the castle.

A walk to the quayside in Oban to buy some hot poached salmon sandwiches then a quick shop in Tesco and a little drive to our next accommodation.


.. and tea.. πŸ˜‹

Then a short walk down to the beach and back for a relax before bed.. or so we thought..

Mike had different ideas. 

He went into the bathroom to take his tablets then I heard him shout in pain. He'd lifted his head up from the sink and hit the cabinet managing to gouge two lumps out of the top of his head. Blood everywhere. 

(No photos - it was a bit gory.  We worked out later that he'd hit both the little knob handles on the door hence the two wounds - flap of skin and hair on one of the door knobs confirmed this 🀒)

As we pondered our options it seemed like we were off for a trip to Oban hospital emergency department. Then I remembered that our Airbnb host was a midwife called Ronnie and I'd seen her car arrive home. 

So I rang her doorbell and she came round, assessed the wound and went back to get some equipment.  She carefully applied a dressing and said she'd come back in the morning to change it.

Ronnie to the rescue. Crisis averted. Mike went to bed with a headache.

Tuesday 13 August 


Ronnie came round to change Mike's dressing. Our hero! She even left supplies for us. 

It looked a lot better than last night.

 - so first stop for us today - chemist. 

We decided to go to Oban (for chemist) via Castle Stalker in Port Appin - where we had stayed a few years ago. Actually in the opposite direction but we had all day.. 😁

Took the scenic route round Loch Creran and the sun came out briefly..

..though the clouds were still there when we looked the other way.. 

Mike kept his hat on for a selfie 😁

As we set off for a walk near the castle the rain started so we went inside for an early lunch at The View cafe over looking the castle. 

Hat off 😁

Thumbs up for Luca and Nico who were worried about grandad.

Castle Stalker nearly disappeared from view in the mist and rain.

No walk just a quick dash for a couple of photos.


More wound dressings bought - and flowers for Ronnie to say thank you.

Wednesday 14 August 


Mike's head still looked a bit rough. 

Early morning walk along Tralee beach just a few minutes away.

Breakfast back at the cafe near Castle Stalker - same table, same view, very different weather.. 😁🌞

Mike ate his breakfast wearing his cap.. 🀣🀣🀣

Cheese and chive scone πŸ˜‹

Walk on the beach near Castle Stalker - bit better weather today.

The other side of the little peninsula where we stayed - South Shian. 

Pretty little beach with shells and sea glass - spent a happy hour wandering and picking bits up.

Thursday 15 August 

Rain. Lots of rain.

Mike took the dressing off his scalp and it was still a bit weepy so we put another one on.

Loaded the car in the rain. Walked round Oban in the rain. Went for an early lunch (and more wound dressings of the right size!) and the weather started to improve. 

Set off for Luing via Easdale. 

Bridge over the Atlantic. With sunshine. 



The ferry over to Luing.

A four minute ferry ride.

Ferry master's dog enjoying the breeze - obviously used to hopping on the ferry for the crossing.. 🀣


The island of Luing is 6 miles long and 1.5 miles wide with two villages - Toberonochy is the smaller one where we have stayed several times. Unfortunately that little cottage has now been sold πŸ˜”

Crystal Waters - a fishing vessel abandoned in the bay here maybe 15/20 years ago? - never did get its conversion to a houseboat.

Blackmill Bay


Staying here this time. 

Meal with the family just two doors away 😁 - easy walk home 🀣

Friday 16 August 


Showery, grey day. Walked to the Atlantic Centre for coffee and cake. Fab views from upstairs.

Walk with Pete and the boys - firstly to see George's boat in the bay..

.. and then along towards the quarry..

Selfie with Joe.

Another walk later - some dramatic sky and sea scapes!

Evening with the family. Flo, Hughie and all going home tomorrow.

Saturday 17 August 


Another grey day with none of the promised sunshine!

Took the car down to Ardinimar.

Had a little look round then went to Toberonochy, wandered round the village and popped in to someone's house to look at their art exhibition. 

Quiet afternoon then out to the Atlantic centre in the evening to watch a couple of singers. 

Good voices lots of traditional shanties etc but for some reason the last song they sang was the Sex Pistols (which in a very thick Scottish accent sounded like Sex Pustules 🀣) - Anarchy in the UK! 

Very funny to see several very buxom women suddenly dance madly - not so funny for the annoying ear worm afterwards - I am an anarchist, I am the antichrist etc, etc πŸ™„

Walked down to the seashore to see if we could spot the northern lights as it said they were visible round here. Couldn't see anything as there was a lot of cloud.

Sunday 18 August 


Walk by the sea with the boys then joined by Pete for a drink and snacks in the Atlantic centre.

Little collection of sea glass, slate and shells as we walked.

Walk down to the quarry.

Rock (well slate) fall blocking the path 

Monday 19 August 

Luing coos on the road.

Waiting for the 8.50 ferry.

Drop off recycling and refuel in Oban then home for about 5pm.

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