Saturday, 10 April 2021

Apr 21: Coronavirus 13 April to 12 May

Tuesday 13 April

Day 393

Thought I'd finished the main part - but one short 🙄

Wednesday 14 April

Day 394

Carol's funeral 💕

Thursday 15 April

Day 395

Walk round Entwistle. Cold but sunny.

8.5m have now had both jabs.

2,672 new cases. 30 deaths. 127,191 total deaths.

4.7m have been waiting more than a year for hospital treatment. Biggest figure ever.

Friday 16 April

Day 396

Walk on Scout Moor round the windmills.

2596 new cases and 34 deaths. 127,225 total deaths.

Saturday 17 April

Day 397

Prince Phillip's funeral.

Family quiz.

Sunday 18 April

Day 398

Finished Ema's quilt.

1,882 new cases. 10 deaths. 127,720 total deaths. Nearly 33m vaccinated.

Over 3m people have now died worldwide of covid. 

Monday 19 April

Day 399

Two walks - the Plunge and Cowpe.

Delhi put on strict 6 day lockdown after surging covid figures and a two variant mutation of the virus. Added to UK red list for flights.

2,964 new covid cases. 4 deaths. 127,274 total deaths. Over 10m have now had both jabs.

Tuesday 20 April

Day 400

Lunch outside at the Vic with Luisa and Miguel.

Finished third version of Luisa's quilt with more purples.

Wednesday 21 April

Day 401

Pasta and coffee at Lesley's - too cold to sit outside so in the kitchen at opposite ends of the table with the door open! 😁 Haircut for Luca.

Thursday 22 April

Day 402

Friday 23 April

Day 403

Over to see Roy and Ann with a picnic.

Covid situation critical in India.  Very uneven spread of vaccinations around the world.

2,678 new cases in the UK. 40 deaths. 127,385 total deaths.

Saturday 24 April

Day 404

2,061 new cases. 32 deaths. 127,417 total. 

Nearly 1m new covid cases in 3 days in India. Dire shortage of oxygen.

Came last in the family quiz 🤣

Sunday 25 April

Day 405

Quilts finished, tacking taken out and ready for Sue.

Monday 26 April

Day 406

Day at Tatton Park with Sue.

Tuesday 27 April

Day 407

India's health service in collapse. Death toll could be 20 to 30 times higher than official figures.

One in four UK adults now fully vaccinated.

Did Boris say that he'd let bodies pile high in their thousands before sanctioning another lockdown?!.. 🤔

Wednesday 28 April

Day 408

Cleaned the plaster dust (from next doors repointing) off the conservatory roof - well most of it.

Sorted the yard yesterday so ready for floor cleaning next.

Thursday 29 April

Day 409

Luca round. 

Friday 30 April

Day 410

Sunrise at about 5.30 atm..🌞

2,381 new cases. 15 deaths. 127,517 total deaths.

First experimental controlled rave held in Liverpool this evening - 3,000 clubbers with no masks - but a negative covid test was needed to get in. Then another test 5 days later.  Event was called 'the first dance'.

Saturday 1 May

Day 411

Drop in day. Lovely cheese pie and potato hash from Luisa 😋

India to vaccinate all adults over 18 but a lot of states say they don't have enough jabs to do this.  Less than 2% of the population fully vaccinated. Over 409,00 new covid cases in one day with over 3,500 deaths. A grim record.

Last in the quiz.. again.. 😁

Sunday 2 May

Day 412

First festival with The Blossoms at Sefton Park in Liverpool. Another controlled experiment.

Monday 3 May

Day 413

Wet bank holiday!

Only one death - lowest since last August but weekend figures. 

Nico crawling - backwards.. 🤣😍🤣

Thinking of Carol.

100 years since formation of Northern Ireland.

Could social distancing end on 21 June?

Tuesday 4 May

Day 414

Sue now over-sewing the quilt 😁

2,024 new cases.  4 deaths. 127,543 total deaths. Over 15m have now had both jabs.

Wednesday 5 May

Day 415

Lowest weekly number of UK deaths since September. Boosters for over 50s to be made available in the autumn.

2,144 new cases. 27 deaths. Total number of deaths 127,570. 16m have now had both jabs.

Thursday 6 May

Day 416

Polling day.

Economic boom expected when restrictions are lifted.

Chatting about whales.

Quilt photo book arrived.

Friday 9 May

Day 417

Had my second Pfizer vaccine.

Saturday 8 May

Day 418

Rain all day.

Harry Potter quiz.

Sunday 9 May

Day 419

Will hugging be allowed after the next Boris announcement tomorrow? 

Cv level dropped from 4 to 3 - as it was last September.

Monday 10 May

Day 420

Centre parcs at Sherwood Forest with Luisa, Miguel, Felisa and the boys.

Epic rain, hail and lightening storm on the way across.

Tuesday 11 May

Day 421 

Went for a boat ride - and Luca fell asleep 🤣

Late afternoon at the center parcs beach.

Wednesday 12 May

Day 422 

Over to the cemetery in Retford to meet Julie, Cathryn and aunt Margaret.

Park with Luca.

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