Sunday 27 March 2022

Apr 22: Six nations Cuenca Easter (10 - 16)

 Sunday 10 April

An early morning walk.

Balloon over Cuenca.

My new friend who told me all about the balloon rides (€70 and it goes over the national park so you can see the animals below) He used to work there and demonstrated all the different animal calls to me 😁

The plaza mayor before it was jam packed with people.

Walked back down to the town centre and went past the church where they were starting to get ready for their procession.

Picked up some churros and chocolate at the takeway churreria.

First procession for the start of Semana Santa. Rodrigo was in this one wearing his purple tunic, red cape and a green capirote - pointed hat. They wear these as penitents so that they cannot be recognised.

Palm Sunday so everyone had palm fronds and olive branches. 

Met Amparo, Bernardo and Monica on our way to look at the procession.

They went off to mass whilst we took a short cut to meet the procession by the plaza mayor.



Rodrigo again!

When they get to the plaza major the floats do a little sort of dance and everyone waves their palm fronds and olive branches in welcome.

The nazarenos wear different colours for each procession, depending on which brotherhood and church they belong to.

Ema, JP, Molly and Lola had their first night on the isle of Harris in Scotland.

Monday 11 April


Another early morning walk - not as eventful as yesterday.

Swings with Luca then a drink before lunch.

Today's procession was one of penitence which started at 10.30 in the evening and ended at 1.30 the following morning. It was a silent procession, all in black with no bands or music just one drum and chants and prayers outside churches and convents along the way.  

As soon as the procession emerged from the cathedral the crowd went absolutely silent. Well most of them did apart from a couple, probably in their thirties, who were standing behind me. Part way through I got fed up with their comments and told them to be quiet. They carried on (with a few choice words for me in between) so at the end I said (in English) why did you bother to come if you have no respect. Then (in Spanish) I'm not catholic but I have respect. They muttered and walked away. 

The young woman at the other side of me said 'thank you' in English for saying something and a lady a bit behind said how rude the couple had been and that I was quite right to say something.

I just wanted to see and hear the procession!.. 😁

Tuesday 12 April


A wander along to the weekly open market - didn't buy much but the bits enjoyed the park afterwards.

A group of men were playing cards at the side of the kiddy playground.

Went up to the Plaza Mayor in the afternoon - but by bus. Thi boys had an ice cream.

Today was the Procession of Pardon. Floats from several churches meet up in the plaza mayor, parade together round the old and new town then go their separate ways again. Very colourful with the different brotherhoods.
It started at 7pm and was due to finish at 2am so we didn't see it all..😁

We were shoulder to shoulder with the band!

Beautiful light on the old hospital building as we walked down from the plaza mayor.

Wednesday 13 April


Round to Amparo's with the boys then home for a bit of lunch and back out to the bar.

Out to the procession in the evening - the procession of silence. Once again saw Monica, Amparo and Bernardo! Then met up with Maria Isabel and Martha.

Saw several of the floats processing to the Plaza Mayor. Others would arrive later from different directions then the whole lot, followed by Mary, make their way down to the churches at the bottom the end bit is when it is silent. Once again we didn't have stamina to last until 2am!

The light was lovely on the walk up to the plaza mayor.

Thursday 14 April


A quiet day. Out for chocolate and churros with Luisa in the morning whilst the others went to the dinosaur museum. 

The processions in the afternoon started from the church near us - which was lucky as our legs were so tired with all the climbing up and down to the Plaza Mayor!

Procession of Peace and Charity. Nine floats - took nearly two hours to go past us!

They weren't coming back down until about midnight so we didn't see them in the dark. 

An early night to be ready for Las Turbas (The Mobs) in the morning.

Friday 15 April


Up at 4.30 to look for Las Turbas - not hard to find with all the noise! This tradition started over 400 years ago and is the most well known procession in Cuenca.

These are mobs of Nazarenes (all the different brotherhoods who have been in the processions) - they represent the Jews who mocked Jesus on the road to his crucifixion. They play drums and bugles and drink résoli (traditional drink of aniseed and coffee) - really an excuse to be generally rowdy and noisy 😁

We met up with Maria Isabel, Alexandro and Julia who were walking with the procession - and Luisa came out with Nico later too.

So grown up these two - but then it has been 7 years since we've seen them!

Over to Tondos for lunch with Isabel and Fernando.

Presents from Isabel.

Barbecue lunch on the fire.

Three wise monkeys??

Playing in the water fountain where the ladies did their washing many years ago.

We had a short walk when we got back but we're too tired to do much after the early morning start.

Martha sent pics of the processions we had missed - the road to Calvary and the Burial.

Saturday 16 April


It got a bit crowded in our bed..🤣😍

The boys had waitress service for breakfast in bed..🤣

Out for a meal with Amparo and all the Spanish family 💕 So lovely to see everyone together.

I love this lady..💕

Love this pic..❣️

Out in the evening with Isabel and Fernando so didn't see the procession.

Martha sent me a message saying that Maria Isabel had sunburn on her chest after our meal out at lunch time - and that she didn't dare to think what us pale English would look like as we'd all underestimated the strength of the sun as there had been a slight breeze. 

So I sent her a pic of my face - with sunburn just on one side. She phoned me back and we howled laughing..🤣🤣🤣 So funny..🤣🤣🤣

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